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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Long Run Saturday #2

Today's run was 8 was only supposed to be 6, but I feel like I need to increase my mileage so on Race Day I'm running less than my last long run. While training for my full marathon, I noticed that my pace for longer runs was better if I was running a shorter distance than the previous week. Since I'm running a 10k the day before, I'm hoping this theory will help my overall time for the half marathon. I have a time goal in mind, but realize that it most likely won't be a PR (personal record). I will strive for that when I run the Russellville Half.

Today I did a few things different. The first thing I did was wear completely different attire. Whenever I do this, I feel like I'm playing a risky game of Chaffing Roulette. Laugh if you want, but I have found that certain clothes rub while others don't. Because of that, I've always stuck with the brands and styles that fit me well...Nike brand of running tanks and capris. However, my calves have been really tight and threaten to cramp during and after my runs...long or short. So I tried wearing compression socks. Since I was wearing compression socks, I had to wear shorts because two layers of clothing on my legs would have made me way too hot. There are lots of mixed reviews as to whether or not compression socks work for running. Honestly, I'm not completely sure myself. Although my legs never felt tired, and never threatened to cramp during my run, my left calf still isn't as loose as I would like. I'm going to continue wearing them over the next couple of weeks and see if my calves improve. If anything, at least they're cute and made with fun colors. My 15 year old daughter was pretty proud of my color selection. And I'm happy to report that no ill-rubbing occurred. I'm sure the generous amounts of Run Guard I applied pre-run helped.

I also ran a different course today. Typically I start my runs running over the Big Dam Bridge, but since I (unintentionally) did a speed work run yesterday, I figured my legs would thank me for running a relatively flat course. So I started on the other side of the Arkansas River. The change of scenery was nice, and I was relatively pleased with my pace. I will say, for someone who is not used to navigating through downtown Little Rock, Siri needs to remember the road closures due to the Broadway Bridge being out.

Race Day is only 6 weeks away! 😳

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Long Run Saturday #1

Today was my first "official" long run for my 10k and half marathon in March...I'm only a few weeks behind πŸ™„, but starting late is better than not starting at all, right? With perfect temps, overcast skies, new shoes, and a new song on my Playlist 😍, it was a pretty good run. 

Today was only six miles, but really the perfect distance considering I have been pretty sick, I was breaking in new shoes (which are completely amazing!), and I got to run in the rain. Thankfully I'm not seeing any sign of blisters on my little toes. I'm a bit paranoid about them, if you haven't noticed. While training for my full marathon in 2015, I developed blisters that covered my little toes (from nail to joint) and they never went away. It took over four months for them to completely heal after race day. So that would be why I'm a little apprehensive of running in the rain.  

One thing we started doing while training for our full marathon, is we treated every long run like race day. So that's what I did today...even though it was only six miles. This allows us to make adjustments on attire, pre-run food and fuel, and food/drink we may need during our run. Needless to say, I made lots of notes on things I forgot or overlooked today. 

The two main things I will make sure I do next week are:

Take my visor with me. Although the sun wasn't out today, when it started raining, I couldn't see. My visor definitely would have made those last two miles easier. Also, I won't sleep late and rush out the door forgetting to eat before heading to the River Trail. Miles 5 and 6 were a little more challenging with nothing but Spark and Rehydrate on my belly. 

This weather has been ridiculous. It's like it can't make up its mind! It's freezing and snowing one day, and 70 degrees the next. Today the temps were perfect, about 45 degrees. Next week it's saying the temp will be 70 😬. Ugh! Hopefully it won't be muggy or humid. 

This week my goal is to get into a regular running routine. I've been great at getting to Boot Camp, but my short runs haven't been happening as consistently as they need to. I'm hoping to do three miles each Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Rain or shine. We will see how disciplined I can be 😬