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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Back on Track


It is amazing what a few days of rest and recovery can do for the body. I was able to run pain free last Wednesday night for a couple of miles. I cannot believe I am writing that I had fun running. It was like an animal that had been caged, and I was let loose to run. I ran my fastest mile since I started training. I tried to slow down, but I couldn't. Then came our long run for the week on Saturday. I was nervous and excited because we were going to run 6.2 miles (that's a 10K). I am glad to say that I was able to run without any pain in my shins. I followed some advice I had read about running. I am learning all sorts of stuff I never knew about running. When you run, you are supposed to land mid-foot and not land on your heel first. It's like jumping off a high wall. You would not want to land on your heel but on the balls of your feet. You want to run like a ninja. That means you are to run quietly and not by slamming your heel into the ground. It is unbelievable that something as simple as that can make such a huge difference. Hopefully, I am back on track and won't have any further issues.


I am happy to say that I am back on track as well! Not only am I feeling better, but I have had some of the best runs and personal running times since "resting" from my half marathon in April. Running in the humidity is still no joke, but I am excited to know that my running times will be getting even better as the weather cools off and the humidity goes away. Did I mention how genius it was for me to pick a marathon to run in December?

This week started a whole new set of challenges...the beginning of the school year! I know I can run 3 miles, fix lunches, shower, get kids up and moving, and pick up my crew for carpool all before 7:45...the true test to my training will begin when our "short" runs increase to 5-8 miles. The one thing that will probably keep me going is knowing that my a sweet dog, Sooie, will be more than willing to cuddle and nap with me when I get home from taking a van-load of boys to school.

So...I have a few "goals" I am hoping to accomplish through this marathon journey. Not only do I have a goal for Mark and I to raise the funds that we have committed to for St. Jude, but personal goals...big goals...huge if running a marathon isn't huge enough, right?

1. Run a marathon (DUH!)...I said I wouldn't put a time goal on this, that finishing was accomplishment enough, but I am (don't tell my husband I admitted this) a competitive person. Competitive with others and even more so with myself. I'm not going to tell you what my time goal is. I have it written down, and I MIGHT share it with you when the marathon is over...that is, if that goal is reached. Because I'm definitely not going to admit if I failed to reach it.  lol!

2. To get my husband to love running. He's not there yet, but I think he will arrive there before all is said and done. It may not be the day we have to run 20 miles...he might be calling me names in his head for talking him into training for such a monstrosity...but I know he will grow to love it. I think it's helpful that we are using an app where he can compare his current run to past runs...he's a bit competitive, too.

3. To get into tip-top shape. If any of you look at my Facebook posts, you know that I have been losing weight over this past year and I have used AdvoCare products and programs to help me achieve this. Well, I am pretty sure I have reached my maintenance weight. As exciting as that is for me, I still have fitness goals I am striving for...running faster miles, I would love to be able to do pull-ups (I have zero upper body strength), and I would love to have a six pack! Maybe trying out for American Ninja Warrior will be on my list for accomplishments in 2016...

 I know, lofty goals, aren't they?

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