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Sunday, August 2, 2015

Week One in the Books

Week one is done! Shannon and I ran 21 miles this week. That is more in one week than I have run in total my whole life. That means we only have 579 more to go. We may be smiling in the picture after our 7 mile run, but I assure you we weren't that happy. I was happy to be finished and happy to be done running for the week, but my body hurt all over. I keep wondering why people do this running thing for "fun." I just keep reminding myself that I am running for a purpose. Any pain or discomfort I experience cannot compare to the emotional pain parents endure as they watch their children battle against cancer. I just keep thinking to put one leg in front of the other. Week 2 begins tomorrow. Only 18 more weeks to go!

Smile! 7 mile long run is done!! we really felt...

Week One: In a word...HOT! In two words...HOT and HUMID! Thankfully, Mark and I are able to get our runs in before the sun is up in all it's hot, blazing glory. Running in the summer here in Arkansas is no joke! I can't even imagine trying to run any later than 7 am right just wouldn't be happening. Getting up at 5 or 5:15 am is a pretty big accomplishment for these two people who love their sleep...getting up at 5 or 5:15 to run, is an even bigger accomplishment (because we all know how much Mark LOVES to run).

With this being our first week of really running this summer, it took me a couple of days to figure out my best strategy. By strategy, I mean what fluids to take with me, which fluids to have waiting for me at the end of the run, how to carry the fluids I run with, etc. I run with this belt around my waist called a "Flip Belt." Best running accessory ever! It's basically this circular pocket made of dry fit material that can carry my phone, keys, Rehydrate Gel, and I can fit a 10 ounce water bottle at the small of my back so I can easily get a drink while I run. It's not bulky, or cumbersome, and it doesn't shift or rub. It's so awesome, my husband wanted one, too :) Learning the hard way that I don't run well in the heat, I am so glad I figured out early how to optimize it's use...because driving around town dropping water bottles and Rehydrate in strategic spots just isn't going to happen before 5 am. Tomorrow begins week two...we will be running a total of 24 miles and I can hardly wait!

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